Burn_Slow: Nordic-Baltic Sound and Radio Art for Mental Wellbeing


May 21
16:00 – 19:00 (EEST Helsinki Time Zone)

Opening and online presentations of participating artists, live-streamed on Youtube

Online Program May 21-22:

16:00 Lectures and demonstrations of artists-researchers exploring sonic ecology, sustainability and mental health in sound art:

• Krista Dintere “Extending Time”

• Maija Demitere “Slow Media Art – Sustainable Sound Installation”

• Ieva Vīksne “Healing depression using realtime mental activity driven audio meditation”

17:00 Short presentations which rise the research questions worked upon during skillsharing workshops on the next day:

• Jacob Remin “To Soothe the Body Electric”

• John Grzinich “Sensing a Site: telematic sound”

• Mantautas Krukauskas “Artistic diffusion of sound in space”

• Derek Holzer “Sounds of Futures Past”

17:45 Online discussion on “Sound Art for Mental Ecology”

Moderated by PIXELACHE curator Laura Gustafsson

19:00 Soundcheck for Burn_Slow: Collaborative Sound Art improvisation

May 22
11:00 – 18:00 (EEST Helsinki Time Zone)
Online Skill-sharing workshop sessions (2-3h each)

Online Program May 21-22:

11:00  – 14:00 (2 running in parallel)

• Jacob Remin. “To Soothe the Body Electric”

• John Grzinich. “Sensing a Site: telematic sound”

15:00 – 18:00 (2 running in parallel)

• Mantautas Krukauskas. “Artistic diffusion of sound in space”

• Derek Holzer. “SOUNDS of FUTURES PAST: Media Archaeology, Design Fiction, and Electronic Sound”

• Burn_Slow: Collaborative online sound art improvisation / performance

May 23 – 30
Remote work on sound and radio art projects. Deadline for audio work submission: 30th May 23:59.

May 31 – June 6
June 1st Jury decision on 10 young artist pieces for PIXELACHE Burn____ festival radio programme.

June 12
18:00 – 20:00
Tune in for Burn_Slow: Nordic-Baltic Sound and Radio art online program
on PIXELACHE 2021 festival radio. 
• Sound and Radio art programme playback on PIXELACHE festival radio with scheduled joint online listening sessions for a shared public sound art experience.

LIVE on PIXELACHE offical website:

More info: